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November 21, 2022 2 min read

The Kalita Wave Dripper is ideal for brewing 1 to 2 cups with a flat bed of grounds.

What you need:

Brew Method:

  1. Start by placing a fresh filter into the Kalita Wave Dripper, you can rinse it out if you like with hot water, discard the water afterwards.
  2. Grind 16 or 32 grams with a medium to fine setting with your grinder. Pour the grounds into the filter.
  3. Pour hot water (205F, or just under boiling preferred) into the dripper, filling it about half way.
  4. Let the coffee bloom for 30-45 seconds before beginning the next pout.
  5. Then pour in a circular motion until your decanter or mug is full, for 1 cup around 250 milliliters  of water, for 2 cups use 500 milliliters. The pour time here is from 1:45 to 2 minutes total. 
  6. You can now enjoy your coffee.


Use a good electric kettle that will keep your water at a constant temperature, or re-heat the water in the kettle bringing it back up to temp.

A medium to fine grind on the Ode Brew Grinder is anywhere from 2 to 4, you should be able to find a suitable setting that allows the water flow freely and evenly through the bed of grounds. This will also give you the finest extraction and make the most of your favorite coffees. 


The Kalita Wave is an excellent tool for brewing. With it you get flat bed of grounds for even extraction, it's easy to use and with a quick brew time. 

A preferred method of Brewing at the Trail Fork Coffee company.

- Austin