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November 21, 2022 1 min read

This recipe using the Chemex will make from 4 to 8 cups. 

What you need:


Brew Method

    1. Place the filter into the brewer, the thicker sheets on the air spout side of the Chemex rim edge. Rinse the filter with hot water, discard water.
    2. Grind 50 to 60 grams of coffee and pour into the filter.
    3. Pour hot water (205F, or just under boiling preferred) onto the bed of grounds and let bloom for 30 to 45 seconds.
    4. Continue pouring in a circular motion until you've filled to the collar line or weigh 40 oz of coffee in you Chemex.
    5. Swirl your finished brew in the Chemex a few times to get an even taste. Pour yourself a mug and get the day started.


Keep the pouring channel clear as you brew, you can pull it away from the glass if it is sticking.

Use a good electric kettle that will keep your water at a constant temperature, or re-heat the water in the kettle bringing it back up to temp.



The Chemex is one the coolest and effective ways to brew coffee for yourself and others. Let's file this one under Tested and True. 

Remember - each cup has a life of its own. Enjoy!
